Journal Post 10/15/2012
10.14.2012 at 3:08 PM

I'm just take a rest on my dashboard after goin to library. Eating some pocky and reading novels~! I was late returning the books for 3 days D:
Btw, I'm reading The Saga Of Darren Shan now and I'm in book 11. Anyone know bout that novels? I love it! It's about vampire and vampaneze, raaawwrr! Hahahaha!

I borrow two books from library (that's because we just can borrow 2 books every 2 weeks ¬д¬;). This is Ulysses Moore series ._.
This story is about adventure of a twins, Julia & Jason Covenant and their best friend Rick Banner. It's take a place called KILMORE COVE in Cornwall. But, I don't know if Kilmore Cove is exist or not.

It's the map of Kilmore Cove in the books. Nah, I've search on google bout Kilmore Cove and google says it's doesn't exist! Σ(-`Д´-ノ;)ノ

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